WORD OF THE DAY: Perfunctory (Per-fungk-tuh-ree): (adj) superficial; lacking interest or enthusiasm. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
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WORD OF THE DAY: Perfunctory (Per-fungk-tuh-ree): (adj) superficial; lacking interest or enthusiasm. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” ????
~Robert Louis Stevenson
WORD OF THE DAY: Feral (Fer-uhl): (adj) wild; not domestic. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “If you believe you can, and believe it strongly enough, you’ll be amazed at what you can do.”
~Nido Qubein
WORD OF THE DAY: Vigor (Vig-er): (n) active strength or vitality; intensity. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd.”
~Miguel de Cervantes
WORD OF THE DAY: Discord (Dis-kawrd): (n) lack of harmony; difference of opinion; disagreement. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Remember that you are unique. If that is not fulfilled, then something wonderful has been lost.”
~Martha Graham
WORD OF THE DAY: Meager (Mee-ger): (adj) very little or small. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “The roads we take are more important than the goals we announce. Decisions determine destiny.”
~Frederick Speakman
WORD OF THE DAY: Piety (Pahy-i-tee): (n) religious devotion; godliness. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “You must have long term goals to keep you from being frustrated by short term failures.”
~Charles C. Noble
WORD OF THE DAY: Perturb (Per-turb): (v) to disturb or throw into chaos. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
Should the Summer be Utilized to Study for the SAT or ACT?…bit.ly/1qII6lE #SAT #ACT #college #testprep #admissions
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “To desire is to obtain; to aspire is to achieve.”
~James Allen