QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Desire is the starting point of all achievement.”
~Napoleon Hill
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QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Desire is the starting point of all achievement.”
~Napoleon Hill
WORD OF THE DAY: Clairvoyance (Klair-voi-uhns): (n) the ability to see into the future. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.”
~Napoleon Hill
WORD OF THE DAY: Grievous (Gree-vuh-s): (adj) causing great sorrow or grief; outrageous. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “The challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves.”
~Steven Covey
Happy 4th of July! ???????? Send us a note & tell us how you’ve been celebrating! #fourthofjuly #independenceday #4thofJuly http://t.co/1JrfvPNeUw
WORD OF THE DAY: Disenthrall (Dis-en-thrawl): (v) to free or liberate. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
WORD OF THE DAY: Sullen (Suhl-uhn): (adj) gloomy or dismal. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb.”
~Andrew Carnegie
WORD OF THE DAY: Notoriety (Noh-tuh-rahy-i-tee): (n) ill fame; disrepute. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”
~Jim Rohn
To be productive & not feel overwhelmed, take timed breaks in between your studying. Enjoy the #USA vs #BEL game today! #WorldCup #SAT #ACT
WORD OF THE DAY: Hunker (Huhn-ker): (v) to squat down; to hide out; to walk slowly. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what not to do the next time.”
~Anthony J. D’Angelo