WORD OF THE DAY: Apathetic (Ap-uh-thet-ik): (adj) showing little or no emotions. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
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WORD OF THE DAY: Apathetic (Ap-uh-thet-ik): (adj) showing little or no emotions. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “You can never do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
WORD OF THE DAY: Repugnant (Rih-pug-nuhnt): (adj) offensive or distasteful. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.”
~Ralph Marston
Plan, learn, and practice for your #SAT or #ACT w/ Dolphin. Find out how we can help you get prepared this summer…bit.ly/1dPJwmq
WORD OF THE DAY: Histrionic (His-tree-on-ik): (adj) overly dramatic speech or behavior. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
~Robert Louis Stevenson
Hey #highschool students, summer internships will help build your resume & expose you to jobs…bit.ly/1krAmzg #summerinternships
WORD OF THE DAY: Corral (Kuh-ral): (v) to round up or gather. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us.”
~Virginia Satir
WORD OF THE DAY: Commemorate (Kuh-mem-uh-reyt): (v) to honor the memory of. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Excellence is the unlimited ability to improve the quality of what you have to offer.”
~Rick Pitino
WORD OF THE DAY: Tepid (Tep-id): (adj) moderately warm. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.”
~Mary Pickford
WORD OF THE DAY: Friable (Fray-uh-buhl): (adj) easily crumbled. #WordOfTheDay #SAT #ACT #WOTD #Vocab